
Text me all! XD

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Click here for a good idea for breakfast! Yum!
I feel :D!!
This is Bloggerman XDXDXD
Argentina vs Iran
Google is the top traffic source! Thanks Google!
Chapter 21 of Hearing Howls
The Wolf feather
I was running. All of the sudden I was at the edge of a cliff. There was a bright red feather there, floating in the wind. I chased it, because Mella loves feathers. She would just love a bright red one! So, I chased it downhill, then uphill, and that process was repeated. I finally caught it between my teeth. All of the sudden, the feather grew a rope. I put it around my neck for safe keeping. All of the sudden, my fangs set on fire! I felt no pain though. I decided to bite something. So, I bit a fallen tree. It erupted into flames! Then, the flames died down. I was highly confused. I wished for no wings, though the Cave of Spirits knew I really didn't. My wings disappeared! Then they reappeared. I was relieved. This must have been the Wolf feather! I walked back to camp. There, what I saw, left me trembling in my fur. A wild cat, much bigger than any of us. I gasped. I pleaded to the Cave of Spirits that it didn't hurt anyone already, no matter how long it was there. My pleads were answered. No one had been hurt, but the wildcat was standing over Mella, threatening to bite her.
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Friday, June 20, 2014



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I would like to tell you about my little dragon named Toothless. I got him on June 19th. He's black with green eyes and is SOOO cute!! I'm going to take a picture of him and upload it here.
Happy Summer!!

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That's me trying to get something out of my keyboard.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Click here to make your own blog!


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I made this no pattern. I did it by myself. and i plan to do more!