
Text me all! XD

Friday, April 3, 2015

The stars of my Reality Animal Show!

This guy doesn't have a name.
My fox, I guess
Fuzzy George
These are the stars of my Reality Animal Show!
Episode 1: Coming soon

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hey everyone! I know I've been gone for a while but what can I say...

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter 1 of The Eternal Midnight Forest
Fake Joining
"What do you mean?" I asked. "We. Will. RISE!" Said the largest wolf. He was brawny and much larger than me. Was he the Alpha? "So you have two choices." Said the brawny wolf. "Come with us, or we tie you to a tree in vines, and release our Megaforce." Megaforce? "What is this... Megaforce?" I asked. "Megaforce! Hah! You'll be sorry to know." "No I won't." I said defiantly. "I will take you to our leader. He will give permission for you to see our Megaforce." With that, he tied vines around my neck, and left one part of it as a lead. He dragged me deep into the forest, the other wolves respectfully following behind him. We soon reached a dark, musty place, like a Hunter's 'sewer' as Eclipsed Moon called it. There were super large trees with very large foliage surrounded us. There was a huge pile of bones with a huge wolf, much larger than the first, atop it. "Leader!" Said the wolf that had me captive, bowing very low before the throned one. The throned wolf was even larger than the first wolf, and he was wearing a spiked collar.  "This lowly-wolf would like to see our Megaforce." The leader growled. "Fine. But he must agree to join our pack." Sure. I'll join the pack, but when this pack goes into battle, I'll join the opposing pack, and when they go into battle, I'll join the opposing pack, until I reach my pack. "I'll join!" I say. "Fine. Take him to the Megaforce."

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chapter 23 of Hearing Howls
The Journey Alone
I sighed. What made them think that they could leave... without me? I felt like crying out my sadness in a howl, but I also felt very sad. I sat down. "OH CAVE OF SPIRITS!" I cried. "WHAT MADE YOU THINK I DESERVED..." I heard footsteps that made my heart race. "... This?" I realized what I had just done. I cried a disrespectful howl. I am a horrid wolf. The footsteps grew closer and louder. "Show yourself!" I demanded. "Oh we will." Said a savage, evil voice. "If you feel like becoming a coward." Coward?  " Coward?" I laugh. "You'll be the coward! When my pack-" Oh yeah. My pack has given up on me. "Call them now." Said the voice with a cackle. "PACK!" I called helplessly. "HELP ME!" They didn't come. Blank red eyes glowed all around me. "We are The Dark Pack," The voices grew closer. They finally came out of the trees around me. They were dark-coated, shaggy wolves with fangs like the great-toothed cats in some of our caves. "And we will rise."

End of Hearing Howls

Thursday, August 28, 2014

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I LIKE DOGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who else likes our furry friends? I certainly do! I have only had a dog once, when I was 5 or 6 and she was a dachshund named Sprinkles. One morning, I was sleeping, and she woke me up by licking my face. Shortly after, she started missing her mom and dad, so we couldn't have her anymore. :-( My Nana has a dog that's older than me (I'm 11 and she's 12, thats 84 in dog years.) And she sill acts like a puppy. When we move to a house that is allowed to have pets, I'm gonna buy a  boy Golden Retriever named Lucky. My grandma said don't name it anything you would be embarrassed to call out the back door. LOL! Tell me if you have a dog!

Sunday, August 24, 2014