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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chapter 13 of Hearing Howls
The Capture
 Queenie, Mella and I were out in the wilderness. Suddenly hunters came! We ran like foxes. But they caught us and threw us in an Animal Control truck. They shot us (Or a least me,) with a dart that made me dizzy. Before I knew it we were at a prison-looking place. They yanked the dart out of my side and put a collarish thing on my neck. They threw me into a cage and locked it. My side was bleeding a little from the dart. I licked it and started howling. A hunter pounded the cage. I was tossed. They grabbed the cages of Mella, Queenie and I to a tube sort of thing. They tossed us in. Queenie sighed. "I was the one that got you into this! I'm sorry." She said. She pressed her body against the glass. It was nighttime I could see no hunters. I had rocks in my fur. " So gonna play mean eh hunters?" I thought. I threw the rocks at the cage and it broke! I broke all the other animals cages to. We were free! I was overjoyed that The Cave of Spirits had put rocks in my fur.

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