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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Chapter 16 of Hearing Howls
The 2nd Litter
It was early evening and still raining. Mella can to me. I noticed she was a little bigger around than usual. "Kimbo I should have told you this earlier when I discovered. I am having a 2nd litter of pups." I was taken aback for the second time that day. I nearly fainted . That was news! "By the way there coming now." That was even bigger news! But she seemed overly-calm. "Go to the Pups' Den! Hurry!" She ran (Or tried to anyway.) Very soon the pups arrived. There were 3 girls and 1 boy. The girls were named: Fairy (White) Rosy (Red) and Candy Corn (White orange and yellow.) The boy was Mix. (Blue-grey) 20 pups! Wow. Most wolves ever have at least 9 or 10, so having 20 pups was record-breaking. I had never felt so proud.

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