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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chapter 6 of Hearing Howls
 A Few Months Later
It was mating season yet again. (But Bavtal's pups were born in the fall.) Bavtal named her pups that were 5 female and 1 male: Leaffall, Sandfall, Snowfall, Icefall, Firefall, and Kimbo the 2nd. They all set out for a mate. Awhile later 12 young wolves returned. Leaffall mated to Redfoot, Sandfall mated to Fang, Snowfall mated to Clawtooth, Icefall mated to Goldenwing, Firefall mated to Lavaclaw, and Kimbo the 2nd mated to Heatherpond. Heatherpond I well knew just by looking at her was the most beautiful she-wolf I'd looked at since Mella. All my pups had mates 15 more wolves to the pack that is. I won't name all 30 wolves because that would take half the time. I'll name them some other time. "Hello Kimbo. I found the most beautiful she-wolf in all the land." Said Young Kimbo licking his she-wolf as the bride. "H-hi." Heatherpool said shyly. "Who's the boss here?" Asked Clawtooth. "Me Kimbo." I said. "Kimbo? Kimbo formerly of the Unnamed Pack?" Yes how did you know that?" Mella spoke up from behind the crowd. "I... I-? What's happening?" Suddenly a sparkling cloud of dust appeared and circled every wolf in the pack. All I could hear was the wooshing and whirling of the dust. Something outstretched from the body of every wolf. Then there was a blinding yellow light and we landed on the ground. Mella gasped. "Wings! I have wings!" She cried. "Now we can fly!" Twisted howled in joy. I flapped my new wings and took off from the ground. I flew above the clouds and then dove quickly. I had never been so happy in my entire life! Not one of the wolves were not flying. Some laughed at the fun some did loop-the-loops and barrel rolls. Lavaclaw did the Undercatch Dive and slurped up a mouse. I did not know that we could do that. we hunted till good after moonrise. We had full stomachs after a hard winter. I curled up and slept all night long.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Chapter 5 of Hearing Howls
The Birth
I was snoozing on my rock when I herd a longing yell. I rushed to the Pups' Den and found Bavtal with    6 lively puppies. One was perfectly still. "What's wrong Bavtal?' I asked "L-look there Kimbo!" She whimpered pointing to the still puppy. I put my nose on the still pup. He did not appear to be even breathing. He stirred. Then sputtered. Then nothing. He moved a bit than to his mother. "Kimbo you saved his life! I'll call him Kimbo the 2nd for his Uncle Kimbo saved his life!" I bellowed with pride. "You're welcome Bavtal." I walked back to the den after awhile and told Mella. After a rough sleep it is finally morning. "Good morning Bavtal!" Twisted called to her. She merely nodded. Then she came right up to me. "Hello Kimbo. I hear from Kimbo the 2nd that he loves you!" And that sent me straight to him. He got up and licked my paws. "Hullo Uncle Kimbo! Lovely day is it not?" "Yes it is." I was trying not to gap at his smartness.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chapter 4 of Hearing Howls
The Nightmare
It had been months since that war. Mella had healed fine and thank goodness for that. Now I feel very sleepy because taking remote care of 15 puppies is such difficult work. So I settled down to rest and my eyelids drooped. The tiger was back! There were yells of terror. Mella was fighting bravely alongside the tiger. He hit her against the rock once again and ran to swipe her, and he not only did that but clawed her. He had expired my Mella. "NOOO!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I attacked the tiger but he jolted his claws at me... I awoke with a sharp prick on my side. "Mella how did you? Did the spirits send you back?" "No Kimbo I was here all along. Why do you ask?" She questioned. "The tiger he sent you to the Cave of Spirits did he not- Wait. Was that a nightmare?" I was confused beyond compare. "Yes it was a nightmare dear." Mella assured me. After she went I was parched. I padded over to the lake. There was a faint pad pad pad of pawsteps. "A dingo?" I thought. I let my body harden up for a fight. Then my nightmare nagged at the very corners of my mind. "A spy for my old pack?" And yes it was. I lunged for my attacker but soon knew something... It was my sister Bavtal"K-Kimbo?" she sputtered licking my nose. She was bigger around than I remember. "Yes sister it is me!" I said. "Ever since the wolf queen threw you out I begged her for mercy but she threw me out to and I've been trying to find you." Bavtal choked at the memory. "Come to my pack. We are all friendly!" I asked. "With you? Oh Kimbo what an honor! She stopped short. "My puppies are coming- And soon too." I gagged on a blade of grass I was chewing on. When we went back home I sat upon the Leader Rock. "Wolves of the Outcast Pack come to me now. Our pack will no longer be called the Outcast Pack but Peace Pack. And now I bestow upon you the new deputy of this pack, my sister Baval!" There was howls of approve. "Say something!" I said under my breath. "Um... I thank my brother Kimbo for choosing me as- as-" She went into some kind of dead faint. "Nurse Wolf take her to the Pups' Den now!" She picked Bavtal by the scruff of her neck. "Please keep her safe- Please."
Map of Pack Grounds 

Peace Pack: Protective and Wise         Leader: Kimbo

The Unnamed Pack: Wily And Cruel        Leader: The wolf queen (Now retired) Leader: Sheela

The Justace  Pack: Clever And Odd           Leader: Raggedfang

Dangerous Cats: Evil And Unknown         Leader: Scarfeather

No one is to copy this!

Hearing Howls