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Saturday, October 12, 2013

      ~~~~~~ I LOVE MY FRIENDS~~~~~~
Friends. I have lots. My Best Friend is in choir with me. I never fight with my friends. We always sit together. I have a friend, (Didn't know she was my cousin somewhere down the lines at the time...) Who is in our choir group she's one of the funniest girls other than my little sisters. Don't know how to start a Friendship? Here are some steps for starting one

1. Walk up to someone who looks nice (As in friendly)
2. Ask them there name. If they don't respond ask someone else.
3. Tell them your name and tell them your nice and want to be friends.
4. Share the day together.
Want to surprise your friends for Christmas or a Birthday? Here are some steps on how to surprise them:

1. Ask your friend what they like (As in My Little Pony, Spiderman, Club Penguin etc.) 
2. Buy them a gift having to do with that.
3. Wrap the gift lovingly.
4. On the day planned, give it to them! 
Want to start a Friendship with me? Comment me! I will accept it quickly and be sure to keep in contact with you. Remember my name is Katie. Include your FIRST NAME ONLY!!! No phone number, address or middle and last name. If your comfortable tell me: Your favorite color, favorite animal, favorite TV show, letter and number. I will tell you all of that about me: My favorite color is pink! I like all animals, (Accept bully animals) My favorite animals are: Wolves foxes cheetahs and horses. My favorite TV show (I like lots) are: AFV, My Little Pony, My own cartoons (I am not bragging. I've seen them and they're ok.) and Rabbids. I don't really have a favorite letter or number. 
Does someone have a lot in common with you? Make friends!


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