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Friday, March 28, 2014

Chapter 20 of Hearing Howls
My Twenty-First Pup
I was just laying in my cave. I had the leaf curtains and door drawn. I saw a shaggy figure on the leaves, just thinking it was Zuba, Eclipse's pup. Expecting to hear, "Hello Grandfather!" I picked up my head. I could not hear the bustling that was going on a few moments before. I looked out the window. All the wolves were in their caves, appearing to be sleeping. I looked out the door. There was Sheela, The Unnamed Pack's leader. I growled. She looked scared. Her crooked voice sounded more scared than all of us put together when food supply was low. "May I help you Sheela?" I asked. "Yes. I- I want to j-join your p-pack." She stammered. I saw dark tears running down her face. "I'm mocked at m-my pack!" At this point, her crying was out of control. She was not kidding. I admit it I had pity on the poor she-wolf. I went over to the fresh-hunt, brought the biggest mouse, and asked her into my cave. She was sniffling and still, tears were pouring out of her eyes.I asked her, "Tell me what happened." I used my paw to wipe her tears, as if she was my own. "Well, I was not being evil like I was supposed to. So I was mocked." She started crying again so I gave her the mouse. She ate it and thanked me. I licked her ear. She seemed to change, just like Queenie. Her coat turned black and sleek, and her eyes turned icy blue. She was one of the most beautiful wolves I had ever seen. "I need father." She said I nodded. Of course I would have her as a pup! She was just as gorgeous as Mella. Later, we had guests. You could only guess who they were. If you guessed The Unnamed Pack, you were right! "Who are you?" I asked a small female. Her crooked voice rang out over the grounds. "I AM RAZAFLASH, THE LEADER OF THE UNNAMED PACK AND I HAVE COME TO GET SHEELA! WHERE IS SHE?" Sheela backed away into my cave. "I saw you moving wolf." Razaflash  smiled wickedly. She didn't move her gaze from me. She lowered her evil voice to a whisper, "Sheela." I was angry. "You can't have her, go away." "What did you say?" Razaflash said. "I said you can't have her, go AWAY!" I gave her a warning bite. She and her troops ran away.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chapter 19 of Hearing Howls
The Lake of Gifts
Mella and I were hunting. Mella was going on and on about how much she loved my mane. I  smiled. We walked on. We came to a crystal clear lake, with a flowing waterfall. There was a rock on the side. It said: 'Mort et for, mort et fegh, bor Wa Wast bo Queris hov meen i dometik mosheel.' Which meant: 'Mark it one, mark it all, for The Cave of Spirits has given you something special.' "I should step in." Mella said. Before I could answer, she stepped in. She got pulled under by dust. "MELLA!" I screamed. When she walked out, she had a mane like mine. It was was grey. She was as beautiful as a charm! I loved her as much as the amount of stars in the sky! "I love you Kimbo." She said, wrapping her mane around my neck. She was very happy. As for me... I don't remember.
Chapter 18 of Hearing Howls
The Secret of Mella
Mella was mysteriously walking in between Queenie and The Tiger. It's not that I don't like them. Their nice. I ran over to them. Mella looked shy. "Mella what are you doing?" I asked her quietly, not to let Queenie and The Tiger hear. "Well I -" She almost answered but Queenie rushed her off. The Tiger made a hrrrr... sound deep in his throat. It was almost as if... No it couldn't be! I ran off tears in my eyes. I didn't wait to see what Mella had to say. Grief was eating at my happiness. Twisted, my handsome and caring son came in carefully. "Father... Is everything ok?" I looked up at him tears burning my sight. "No it's not!" And I buried my head back into my paws. I could almost feel Mella's loving paws running through my mane like she always does. Twisted came and lay down beside me. "Tell me what's wrong." He said. "Well, I think your mother..." It was to much to bear. "Mother what?" He said. "Is second mate of The Tiger now! She has left me." I sobbed. Another wolf came in. It was a silky white wolf. "Kind of reminds me of Mella. She's silky and white." I thought. The piercing green eyes reminded me also of Mella. That's because it WAS Mella! I growled quietly, looked at her and threw my head back down. "Kimbo." She said. Twisted looked mad. "Look who it is! Miss Second Mate of The Tiger!" He growled. "What?" She sounded confused. "No way. Queenie and The Tiger are my parents!" I was shocked. "Hello Mother and Father!" Yes, they had just come in. I smiled. When Queenie was my mate, she was already my relative!