
Text me all! XD

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chapter 3 of Hearing Howls
On Time Today
I was sitting on my throne of left-over bones when Sajiv came to me. "S-Sire sire! D-Danger coming! And fast!" I went to the watch tower were Toyo was reporting the story to Mella. "Gather the troops. Onlyone come now." I said. He was sitting over by The Pharoas River. Suddenly a huge cloud of dust appeared. "MORE WOLVES!"Sajiv shouted."I'll talk with the pack l-" I was cut off. I knew that evil glint. I knew that long-respected crown. It was the Alpha female of the same pack I was born unto. "So we meet again Kimbo. MAW HA HA HA HA!" The wolf queen said. "Do you even call your self a queen?" I said infuriated. She whispered to a powerful looking tiger. "What do you call this little fellow? Dinner?" She gestured toward Twisted. He put on his toughest look. "I'm NOT dinner! I'm the son of Kimbo." Twisted looked at me as if saying "Did I do well Dad did I ?" "Good job son now go join your friends in the nursery!"Mella said. I felt the battle cry brewing deep inside me. "ADVANCE!" I could not bear the wolf queen's taunting calls any longer. The sight of all the wolves biting and slashing each other was unpleasant but we had to do it. "Now I see why we  stay of there land Eclipse!" I heard Twisted say. I heard a yowl of pain as that battle-scared tiger smacked Mella against a boulder. "You monster leave my mummy alone!" Eclipse now said. He backed her into a wall. As much as I wanted to help Mella the Nurse Wolf got her and I advanced the tiger. "Back off-or else!"The tiger cowered in fear. They ran away as fast as there fought legs could carry them. "Mella-Where is she Singa?" I asked. "Over there. She's okay I think." I walked over to her. "K-Kimbo?"She said Yes it is me Mella!"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 2 of Hearing Howls
The Hunters
BANG! Arrows bolted. Fangs slashed and bit. The hunters intruded our land and fighting was the only way to tell we were angry. "NOW SANDSTORM NOW!" I yelled. Sandstorm was the most fearsome solder Mella and I had. He jumped from a tree his claws and fangs extended. He turned in mid-air and hit the largest hunter. "Ha ha ha! Here we are just you and me." The hunter slashed at Sandstorm but he knocked the weapon right out of his hand. The hunter took it back. Sandstorm bit the hunter and he yelped with pain. All the hunters ran away never to come back. "Are you alright Sandstorm?" I asked " Yes just badly shaken." He growled and staggered away. I could tell he was stiff with anger. 1 of the wolves was stuck in the bushes another was being mended by the Nurse Wolf. Twisted (My first pup.) was having the dust brambles and pine needles combed out of his fur by the Groom Maid. "I am highly grateful no wolf got injured!" He kept telling her. "Yes darling you told me." She said breaking a pine comb. As the leader of a pack full of name-less outcasts I told Mella to help me name the 10 grown-up wolves because the pups were already named.(5  who were female.) "All wolves of Outcast Pack come to me and you will get names. Now divide yourselves into male and female and the males will be named first." I watched as 5 adult male wolves came to me. " You will be named Withdraw-." I saw Sandstorm in the group. "Need a new name Sandstorm?" Mella asked. "Yes Your Highness." "Next! You will be named Aperin."Sandstorm came to me now. "You will be renamed Onlyone because you were the only lone wolf that came to the pack."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Greg`s letter to mom... dear mom,
please give me a boost on my pay check. I am 5 cents short from the Ultimite Rocket Ride to space. 
Greg is a nutty guy 5 cents short of a rocket. 5 CENTS! How much more crazy could that get? 5 CENTS!

If you want a fun game to play go to And also!


It's NEVER the end...     :-D

Chapter 1 of Hearing Howls
The Exiled Pack
It all started the night of Harness Mella. The queen told me to catch all the fish so the Justice Pack could have none. She was a selfish she-wolf and not even her mate could stop her. Of course I turned her down for I am a very selfless wolf. I was thrown out of the pack. Later 40 other packless wolves found me. They made me there leader! "Great leader what is our pack to be named?'' Of corse since we were thrown out I called it Outcast Pack. A sleek she-wolf came to me. I needed a mate and that is just what she was going to ask. "Sire I am in deep need of a mate."Her name was Mella because she was born in Harness Mella. "I already knew that was what you were going to ask and you are beautiful. I will be your mate." ''What is your name?" Mella asked. " Kimbo" I replied. By the end of Harness Mella we had 15 pups and yes this is not the life I planed but it is very exiting. We all howl at the moon.  "Now howl to the moon we all respect." Hunters near by heard us!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Family. It is what makes us smile. Mom, Dad, Sister,Brother, Grandmother and lots more! I love my family so much it would take 100,000,000 years to count it.Even though we do not have a pets and stuff we still love our family. They love all of us and we love them to. Our Nana`s dog Reese is 10 years old and still is energetic! Our first pet was a puppy named Sprinkles but we only had her 1 month. Do you love your family? Post on comments. I know I love my family. My 3 little sisters, 1 little brother, mom, dad and grandmother. My favorite color is pink! Pickle loves Cut the Rope iPad game. She was born tiny but now is so tall!

I am reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book 4 in the Harry Potter series.

In kindergarden I learned Mr. Alligator,(Greater than, Less than) and the < sign was the alligator and he wanted the biggest number to eat. Come back later in the week for extra work pages of Mr. Alligator. (1 digit 2 digit,3 digit and fraction may all be present on the same sheets. It is a free offer.) Is your kid in kindergarden? Post here! There will be work sheets for kindergarden as well. (Also a free offer.) I have Find the Letter sheets for you to find March 20 to April 30 for Letter Learners. Flashcards with shapes will also be found then as well coloring sheets. (Coloring sheets on for unlimited time.)Fifth grader? Post here! You will find division sheets on April 2. Have fun with the work and coloring pages.
 I also might add Dime Novels April 29. 

I know how to do short division. I am 9 and in fifth grade! My mom has read us nutty stories like Slow Loris by Alexis Deacon. It is about a sloth that takes a long time to do stuff. But at night he does things fast... it is just silly. If you want to find Horse Diaries at your local library look for Catherine Hapka. I love to sing. Any time, any place Acting Class is where we sing most and is at a  Local Theater. Math is my favorite subject in school. I know 4 divided by 36 is 9 and A=LW. (It means Area = Length times Width) There will be work pages for that to on April 19. The work pages are called Katie`s Majestic Math Work. Kids of all ages (and adults) will love it.

You want to know a few horse facts? Horses can eat 10 to 20 pound of hay a day. There is 1 stallion in a herd of wild horses. All those horse facts were mind-fliping right?

Do you like my blog? Tell me! Please enjoy this blog and I thank every one who reads it. This blog is kid-friendly  safe to read and ad-free.As much as I love to type I love to type for the towns of the world. The number 1 rule of this blog is HAVE FUN for this is a rule in my life. I had lots of stuff I look back on and wish to have it back like a blockish doll that copied whatsoever you said. Thank you for reading my blog today. And sorry there was not a new headline on March 1.

Sorry no worksheets I can not add them. :-(