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Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 2 of Hearing Howls
The Hunters
BANG! Arrows bolted. Fangs slashed and bit. The hunters intruded our land and fighting was the only way to tell we were angry. "NOW SANDSTORM NOW!" I yelled. Sandstorm was the most fearsome solder Mella and I had. He jumped from a tree his claws and fangs extended. He turned in mid-air and hit the largest hunter. "Ha ha ha! Here we are just you and me." The hunter slashed at Sandstorm but he knocked the weapon right out of his hand. The hunter took it back. Sandstorm bit the hunter and he yelped with pain. All the hunters ran away never to come back. "Are you alright Sandstorm?" I asked " Yes just badly shaken." He growled and staggered away. I could tell he was stiff with anger. 1 of the wolves was stuck in the bushes another was being mended by the Nurse Wolf. Twisted (My first pup.) was having the dust brambles and pine needles combed out of his fur by the Groom Maid. "I am highly grateful no wolf got injured!" He kept telling her. "Yes darling you told me." She said breaking a pine comb. As the leader of a pack full of name-less outcasts I told Mella to help me name the 10 grown-up wolves because the pups were already named.(5  who were female.) "All wolves of Outcast Pack come to me and you will get names. Now divide yourselves into male and female and the males will be named first." I watched as 5 adult male wolves came to me. " You will be named Withdraw-." I saw Sandstorm in the group. "Need a new name Sandstorm?" Mella asked. "Yes Your Highness." "Next! You will be named Aperin."Sandstorm came to me now. "You will be renamed Onlyone because you were the only lone wolf that came to the pack."

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