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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chapter 3 of Hearing Howls
On Time Today
I was sitting on my throne of left-over bones when Sajiv came to me. "S-Sire sire! D-Danger coming! And fast!" I went to the watch tower were Toyo was reporting the story to Mella. "Gather the troops. Onlyone come now." I said. He was sitting over by The Pharoas River. Suddenly a huge cloud of dust appeared. "MORE WOLVES!"Sajiv shouted."I'll talk with the pack l-" I was cut off. I knew that evil glint. I knew that long-respected crown. It was the Alpha female of the same pack I was born unto. "So we meet again Kimbo. MAW HA HA HA HA!" The wolf queen said. "Do you even call your self a queen?" I said infuriated. She whispered to a powerful looking tiger. "What do you call this little fellow? Dinner?" She gestured toward Twisted. He put on his toughest look. "I'm NOT dinner! I'm the son of Kimbo." Twisted looked at me as if saying "Did I do well Dad did I ?" "Good job son now go join your friends in the nursery!"Mella said. I felt the battle cry brewing deep inside me. "ADVANCE!" I could not bear the wolf queen's taunting calls any longer. The sight of all the wolves biting and slashing each other was unpleasant but we had to do it. "Now I see why we  stay of there land Eclipse!" I heard Twisted say. I heard a yowl of pain as that battle-scared tiger smacked Mella against a boulder. "You monster leave my mummy alone!" Eclipse now said. He backed her into a wall. As much as I wanted to help Mella the Nurse Wolf got her and I advanced the tiger. "Back off-or else!"The tiger cowered in fear. They ran away as fast as there fought legs could carry them. "Mella-Where is she Singa?" I asked. "Over there. She's okay I think." I walked over to her. "K-Kimbo?"She said Yes it is me Mella!"

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