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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 1 of Hearing Howls
The Exiled Pack
It all started the night of Harness Mella. The queen told me to catch all the fish so the Justice Pack could have none. She was a selfish she-wolf and not even her mate could stop her. Of course I turned her down for I am a very selfless wolf. I was thrown out of the pack. Later 40 other packless wolves found me. They made me there leader! "Great leader what is our pack to be named?'' Of corse since we were thrown out I called it Outcast Pack. A sleek she-wolf came to me. I needed a mate and that is just what she was going to ask. "Sire I am in deep need of a mate."Her name was Mella because she was born in Harness Mella. "I already knew that was what you were going to ask and you are beautiful. I will be your mate." ''What is your name?" Mella asked. " Kimbo" I replied. By the end of Harness Mella we had 15 pups and yes this is not the life I planed but it is very exiting. We all howl at the moon.  "Now howl to the moon we all respect." Hunters near by heard us!

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