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Thursday, June 27, 2013


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This is how to make smileys! :-)       Like this--------> First :    Then :- Then :-) Or :-} Or :-]  
This is how to make sad faces        Like this---------->   First :      Then :-   Then :-( Or :-{ Or :-[

Chapter 12 of Hearing Howls
The Unknown She-Wolf
 I was sleeping in my den alone. Both my mates were in the Pups' Den. I dreamed. A figure wolf was standing there. It was Quivv. "Quivv!" I said warily. We licked each other. "Beware Kimbo!" She said in her voice soft as honey. "The wolf that is to be lost has foaming-mouth disease. Do not let her bite any of you." And she disappeared and left me in a world of nothing. I screamed but my cries were lost in the world on blazing white nothing. I ran but got no where. I ran and ran to a room of glittering gold and silver. I trotted up to it and jumped into the gold. I put on a crown and held a scepter. It soon evaporated and I fell into a black swirling hole. I woke up. It was morning. I called for a meeting and all wolves came to the Leader Rock. "Wolves of The Peace Pack a spirit named Quivv told me in a dream that a wolf had Rabies. We must build a snare. We can not suffer Rabies in this pack. It was so. No more than 1 hour later we found a ravine and built a huge snare. We found the madwolf. She was snapping at a rat. Onlyone and Toyo were running toward her faces grim teeth bared. She ran for them and they turned around and drove her around to the snare. As soon as she saw the snare she stopped dead in her tracks. Onyone snorted and snapped and she ran yet more. She finnaly disappeared in the fire. I didn't hear the screaming as trapped wolves. Out came a beautiful she wolf with a short mane a Bavtal's. Not Mother though. Mother was in The Cave of Spirits. Was it Vivtet my youngest sister? It very much was."Bavtal? Kimbo? I thought you were in The Cave of Spirits! I cried every day over my lost siblings!" She said. "No less than we did Vivtet." Bavtal said. We were all happy. Very happy to be exact.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chapter 11 of Hearing Howls
The Get-Together and Flying Fur
We were on our way to a Get-Together. All packs gathered but the Dangerous Cats. On our way we saw something labeled ether 'Quack Pack' or 'Quick Paste'. We were there at last. I saw all the leaders.  Sheela of The Unnamed Pack and Raggedfang of The Justice Pack. When it was time I howled for quiet. "Wolves of all packs I have news!" I said. "The wolf queen former leader of The Unnamed Pack is now an ally of The Peace Pack." There were murmurs of disagreement. "When The Unnamed Pack's  Shelter Den was destroyed I ran to the nearest pack for cover. Kimbo made me whole and made me his second mate!" Queenie said. "NO!" Yelled Raggedfang. "IT WILL NOT BE! ZUBANU FETCH THIS WOLF AND TAKE HER WITH US AND THROW HER IN THE PRISON FOR SHE HAS AN EVIL AND WICKED HEART!" Zubanu stormed and dragged the wolf queen away from me. "Give her back now." I said. "No!" Zubanu argued. "GIVE HER BACK NOW!" Mella screamed. I wanted this night to be over soon. "Send me to him please." Queenie gasped. "I already said no!" Zubanu fumed. Queenie growled as a warning to say: You have 5 seconds to give me back to him or else! I was gazing at him. Suddenly a cloud of purple dust swirled up and grabbed Zubanu. He tried to claw the ground but the dust sucked him into a powerful whirlwind of jet black fur. It moved scattering wolves here and there. Finally it put him down. He lay twitching and shuttering until he sat up dizzy. "What was the cause of that dust Kimbo?" Raggedfang said then he moved suddenly out of the way. A silver cloud reined over The Peace Pack. A shower of glittering rain sprayed us. Then it lifted us. We spun and spun. It suddenly dropped us harshly on the ground. Some of the pack was frosty. Some were burning. And some were sparking. I had stars above my head. Mella had fire Twisted had frost and Queenie had sparks. I opened my mouth to say: 'What in the world?!' but nothing came out but a satchel that fell out of the sky. I opened it and there was a wand. I strapped it to my back. I held the wand and said: "Quiv alla princee tallaforra gyunve axit dui dui JAXCAL!" Stars came raining down. Queenie gave out sparks from her mouth. They hit a rock and it sparked. The Stars formed a tornado that whirlwinded through The Justice Pack. They shaped into a massive wolf's paw with claws! It scratched and pawed the wolves. Then the turned to 1 whole wolf. She nodded to me."Quivv!" Quivv was the spirit of my older cousin. She fell into the lake and could not swim the hard currant. I thought. "Kimbo I tell you now a time will come when a wolf's spirit will come to an end... FOREVER!" The message was clear. But which wolf was it?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Chapter 10 of Hearing Howls
A Love Like Never Before
My new mate loved me dearly. Then a hawk swooped in on our den. She clawed at the awful bird. It scratched her leg then flew away. "Your leg... I'm sorry." I said my eyes clouded with sorrow. "Why your sorry? You knew nothing of the hawk. I love you!" I licked her bleeding leg until the bleeding stopped. I put cobweb around it. She lay down rolling playfully. It was a play fight. I jumped on top of her and wrestled her until she flipped me over and she got on me! A few months later she got bigger around. She got bigger and bigger until it was time she had pups. She moved to the Pups' Den. I went to the Pups' Den to visit her. "Hi Queenie!" I teased her. "Hi Double-Dad!" She teased back. One night it was storming. Then it happened. She let out an thin scream. Hour after hour I waited. 10 hours later 1 beautiful pup was born. We named her Auga. She was golden-creme with a blue eye and a green eye. The wolf queen truly did love me.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chapter 9 of Hearing Howls
The Quake
It was raining. I was watching from my den window eating at a tree lemur. When I was done I dug up the dirt and created a hole. I set the lemur bones in the hole covering the hole up again. Suddenly the earth shook. It rumbled and an earthquake had begun! I howled for everyone to follow me to the Shelter Den. Mella was shaking. I heard thunderous pawsteps. It was the wolf queen. Only her and no one else. "Let me in please! I'm begging you! Our Shelter Den has been destroyed!" We let her in. I heard the rapid beating of her heart as she lay down. I licked her ear. She smiled. I never saw her smile before. "Where is the rest of your pack?" I whispered to the now rasply-breathing wolf queen. "Underneath the boulders and stones and if they survive they can rule." Her blank red eyes quickly became full and green. Her fur changed from black and shaggy to gray and sleek. After the quake the full moon was out. I called a meeting. Bavtal was beside me and I asked her: "Do you like deputyship?" She thought. "I took your offer because you had no deputy. I'd like to retire to a solder now." Then I said: "Wolves of The Peace Pack we have news. Bavtal wants to retire as a solder now. We also have a visitor the wolf queen from The Unnamed Pack. All the eyes blinked dumbly but the wolf queen's. "The new deputy is the wolf queen. Her name can not be changed. It was given to her be The Cave of Spirits. We can't take it away." The wolf queen sat next to me now. She licked my forehead. "Now let us all sit in a ring to howl at The Moon. "AROOOOO!" We all howled in unison. We had all howled till it was respectful. Then it happened. A cloud of sparkling golden-yellow dust appeared around the wolf queen. It lifted her from the ground. It swirled and wooshed. Finally she was set down. She walked over to me stumbling. She had wings. She threw her head down and her crown fell to the ground. Folding her wings in a silent thanks she dug up dirt and made a hole. She kicked her tiara into the hole burying it. "Now all wolves," I said. "Let us party for the pack is thankful for my second mate." And I told her I was sorry for the nick I left in the tiger's ear. "Never mind that old geezer!" She giggled. An hour later my second mate spread her wings and said: "Dance with me?" "Of course I will!" I said happily. I spread my wings and took her paw. We did The Justice Dance. It goes like this. One right-wing flap left-leg kick right-leg kick left-wing flap. She enjoyed it very much. We at this state were very tired. She and Mella curled up wit me. I licked the wolf queen and licked her and licked her till her new silver pelt gleamed. She groomed me back. Her green eyes shone as I said I loved her. She listened as I told her The Code
Now before I start another chapter of Hearing Howls I'd like to tell you this!

I'd like to thank everyone who reads this blog. I also thank Blogger for letting me create this. I have over 100 page readings and I'd like to add more!

Chapter 8 of Hearing Howls
The Pups
I bet you want to know about my puppies yes? Well it all started with Twisted not born with a crooked paw. He fell on a stump and it healed twisted. Then then there's Iwony. Then Xaila, Zock, Eris, Foula, Sliod, Wazyan, Vispo, Biskuf, and Melbo (Named after both of us.) And the last 4 are: Disoz, Wiku, Maz, and Maza (Twins.) Here is how the birth went. One dark night Mella was due to have her pups. I was worried by thought. Then the nurse wolf told me it was time. Mella let out an erie yell. The nurse wolf gave of orders such as: "Get water!" and "Get fresh-hunt!" or "Are you crazy? Get herbs!" I sighed. After 24 hours I heard "Well done Mella you've done it!" I rushed in. "She'll live Kimbo. I glanced at Mella and saw 15 bundles. One was walking. Out of the cave to! I tried to catch him but it was to late! He had fell on a stump not even an hour old. He cried and cried. A few months later the paw was twisted. His name was formerly Buster. But now we renamed him Twisted. They all have mates now. And that's that.
Chapter 7 of Hearing Howls
The Poison of Hate
I wanted to show of my new wings to someone. Everyone did. So Twisted's idea was show the wolf queen and there were howls and barks of agreement. "No that is a dangerous idea!" said Clawtooth. "I know her I was with her evil laws half my life!" Bavtal yowled. "I am the Alpha Male here and Mella and I will decide." I said. So Mella and I did talk and we finally decided:  "We will go but bring her a peace offering. Toyo! Onlyone! Go hunt down the fattest moose in our hunting grounds." And we waited and watched for Toyo and Onlyone's hunting party. They came back flying with a moose clamped firmly in there jaws. We were off. When we landed the wolf queen came bolting into the land.  "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" She raged. "AND WHY DID YOU STEAL OUR PREY?" "We did not steal your prey. It is merely a peace offering." Firefall growled. "Peace offering or not I can not let you onto our land!" She howled for her troops. I called mine off. "So Kimbo to scared to even fight?" She gazed at my back as if it was an orb or something. "What are...are those things?" "Wings." I said. "How did you get them?" Asked the tiger warily. "Did you not listen to to The Code when you became leader?" Mella howled. "No of course not! The Code does not matter to us. When I became alpha my name was Mowa and I declared The Code was not worth a pile of mouse bones!" The wolf queen growled. "Only wolves of good that respect The Moon get wings!" Icefall said. "I don't care! Leave NOW!" A she-wolf that appeared to be deputy yowled. And we left. I was very hungry and went to the fresh-hunt pile. I picked a mouse and walked to my den. I thanked The Cave of Souls. As I bit into it I spat it out with horror. It was now rotting. Mella sitting close by asked what the problem was. "This mouse was rotten I can't believe it! I will not have it." I stormed out and howled a meeting. "Wolves of The Peace Pack I just went to get my fresh-hunt and the mouse I ate was rotting! Whoever hunted this mouse come to my den now." I was never so angry in my life. A rotten mouse in the fresh-hunt! I saw who you would never believe. Standing before me was Bavtal my very sister. The deputy. "Brother Kimbo it was I who hunted that mouse. It was old but in good shape! I do not know how it got rotten." She started crying. "Oh I  am so very sorry will you ever forgive me?" "Of course you are the deputy more importantly my sister." I said giving her ear a lick.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Code~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  1. Only wolves that respect The Moon get wings
  2. Never defeat another unless you have to
  3. Do not eat until you thank The Cave of Spirits first
  4. Bury the left-over bones or scraps of meat from prey so The Cave of Spirits knows you were thankful for your prey's life
  5. Never mate with a wolf from another pack
  6. Respect the alpha and older wolves
  7. Never defy the pack
  8. Always hunt for the pack first
  9. Respect The Moon by howling at it
  10. Thank The Cave of Spirits for every wolf's life even your enemies