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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chapter 11 of Hearing Howls
The Get-Together and Flying Fur
We were on our way to a Get-Together. All packs gathered but the Dangerous Cats. On our way we saw something labeled ether 'Quack Pack' or 'Quick Paste'. We were there at last. I saw all the leaders.  Sheela of The Unnamed Pack and Raggedfang of The Justice Pack. When it was time I howled for quiet. "Wolves of all packs I have news!" I said. "The wolf queen former leader of The Unnamed Pack is now an ally of The Peace Pack." There were murmurs of disagreement. "When The Unnamed Pack's  Shelter Den was destroyed I ran to the nearest pack for cover. Kimbo made me whole and made me his second mate!" Queenie said. "NO!" Yelled Raggedfang. "IT WILL NOT BE! ZUBANU FETCH THIS WOLF AND TAKE HER WITH US AND THROW HER IN THE PRISON FOR SHE HAS AN EVIL AND WICKED HEART!" Zubanu stormed and dragged the wolf queen away from me. "Give her back now." I said. "No!" Zubanu argued. "GIVE HER BACK NOW!" Mella screamed. I wanted this night to be over soon. "Send me to him please." Queenie gasped. "I already said no!" Zubanu fumed. Queenie growled as a warning to say: You have 5 seconds to give me back to him or else! I was gazing at him. Suddenly a cloud of purple dust swirled up and grabbed Zubanu. He tried to claw the ground but the dust sucked him into a powerful whirlwind of jet black fur. It moved scattering wolves here and there. Finally it put him down. He lay twitching and shuttering until he sat up dizzy. "What was the cause of that dust Kimbo?" Raggedfang said then he moved suddenly out of the way. A silver cloud reined over The Peace Pack. A shower of glittering rain sprayed us. Then it lifted us. We spun and spun. It suddenly dropped us harshly on the ground. Some of the pack was frosty. Some were burning. And some were sparking. I had stars above my head. Mella had fire Twisted had frost and Queenie had sparks. I opened my mouth to say: 'What in the world?!' but nothing came out but a satchel that fell out of the sky. I opened it and there was a wand. I strapped it to my back. I held the wand and said: "Quiv alla princee tallaforra gyunve axit dui dui JAXCAL!" Stars came raining down. Queenie gave out sparks from her mouth. They hit a rock and it sparked. The Stars formed a tornado that whirlwinded through The Justice Pack. They shaped into a massive wolf's paw with claws! It scratched and pawed the wolves. Then the turned to 1 whole wolf. She nodded to me."Quivv!" Quivv was the spirit of my older cousin. She fell into the lake and could not swim the hard currant. I thought. "Kimbo I tell you now a time will come when a wolf's spirit will come to an end... FOREVER!" The message was clear. But which wolf was it?

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