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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chapter 7 of Hearing Howls
The Poison of Hate
I wanted to show of my new wings to someone. Everyone did. So Twisted's idea was show the wolf queen and there were howls and barks of agreement. "No that is a dangerous idea!" said Clawtooth. "I know her I was with her evil laws half my life!" Bavtal yowled. "I am the Alpha Male here and Mella and I will decide." I said. So Mella and I did talk and we finally decided:  "We will go but bring her a peace offering. Toyo! Onlyone! Go hunt down the fattest moose in our hunting grounds." And we waited and watched for Toyo and Onlyone's hunting party. They came back flying with a moose clamped firmly in there jaws. We were off. When we landed the wolf queen came bolting into the land.  "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" She raged. "AND WHY DID YOU STEAL OUR PREY?" "We did not steal your prey. It is merely a peace offering." Firefall growled. "Peace offering or not I can not let you onto our land!" She howled for her troops. I called mine off. "So Kimbo to scared to even fight?" She gazed at my back as if it was an orb or something. "What are...are those things?" "Wings." I said. "How did you get them?" Asked the tiger warily. "Did you not listen to to The Code when you became leader?" Mella howled. "No of course not! The Code does not matter to us. When I became alpha my name was Mowa and I declared The Code was not worth a pile of mouse bones!" The wolf queen growled. "Only wolves of good that respect The Moon get wings!" Icefall said. "I don't care! Leave NOW!" A she-wolf that appeared to be deputy yowled. And we left. I was very hungry and went to the fresh-hunt pile. I picked a mouse and walked to my den. I thanked The Cave of Souls. As I bit into it I spat it out with horror. It was now rotting. Mella sitting close by asked what the problem was. "This mouse was rotten I can't believe it! I will not have it." I stormed out and howled a meeting. "Wolves of The Peace Pack I just went to get my fresh-hunt and the mouse I ate was rotting! Whoever hunted this mouse come to my den now." I was never so angry in my life. A rotten mouse in the fresh-hunt! I saw who you would never believe. Standing before me was Bavtal my very sister. The deputy. "Brother Kimbo it was I who hunted that mouse. It was old but in good shape! I do not know how it got rotten." She started crying. "Oh I  am so very sorry will you ever forgive me?" "Of course you are the deputy more importantly my sister." I said giving her ear a lick.

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