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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Chapter 8 of Hearing Howls
The Pups
I bet you want to know about my puppies yes? Well it all started with Twisted not born with a crooked paw. He fell on a stump and it healed twisted. Then then there's Iwony. Then Xaila, Zock, Eris, Foula, Sliod, Wazyan, Vispo, Biskuf, and Melbo (Named after both of us.) And the last 4 are: Disoz, Wiku, Maz, and Maza (Twins.) Here is how the birth went. One dark night Mella was due to have her pups. I was worried by thought. Then the nurse wolf told me it was time. Mella let out an erie yell. The nurse wolf gave of orders such as: "Get water!" and "Get fresh-hunt!" or "Are you crazy? Get herbs!" I sighed. After 24 hours I heard "Well done Mella you've done it!" I rushed in. "She'll live Kimbo. I glanced at Mella and saw 15 bundles. One was walking. Out of the cave to! I tried to catch him but it was to late! He had fell on a stump not even an hour old. He cried and cried. A few months later the paw was twisted. His name was formerly Buster. But now we renamed him Twisted. They all have mates now. And that's that.

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