
Text me all! XD

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter 1 of The Eternal Midnight Forest
Fake Joining
"What do you mean?" I asked. "We. Will. RISE!" Said the largest wolf. He was brawny and much larger than me. Was he the Alpha? "So you have two choices." Said the brawny wolf. "Come with us, or we tie you to a tree in vines, and release our Megaforce." Megaforce? "What is this... Megaforce?" I asked. "Megaforce! Hah! You'll be sorry to know." "No I won't." I said defiantly. "I will take you to our leader. He will give permission for you to see our Megaforce." With that, he tied vines around my neck, and left one part of it as a lead. He dragged me deep into the forest, the other wolves respectfully following behind him. We soon reached a dark, musty place, like a Hunter's 'sewer' as Eclipsed Moon called it. There were super large trees with very large foliage surrounded us. There was a huge pile of bones with a huge wolf, much larger than the first, atop it. "Leader!" Said the wolf that had me captive, bowing very low before the throned one. The throned wolf was even larger than the first wolf, and he was wearing a spiked collar.  "This lowly-wolf would like to see our Megaforce." The leader growled. "Fine. But he must agree to join our pack." Sure. I'll join the pack, but when this pack goes into battle, I'll join the opposing pack, and when they go into battle, I'll join the opposing pack, until I reach my pack. "I'll join!" I say. "Fine. Take him to the Megaforce."

Friday, October 3, 2014

Chapter 23 of Hearing Howls
The Journey Alone
I sighed. What made them think that they could leave... without me? I felt like crying out my sadness in a howl, but I also felt very sad. I sat down. "OH CAVE OF SPIRITS!" I cried. "WHAT MADE YOU THINK I DESERVED..." I heard footsteps that made my heart race. "... This?" I realized what I had just done. I cried a disrespectful howl. I am a horrid wolf. The footsteps grew closer and louder. "Show yourself!" I demanded. "Oh we will." Said a savage, evil voice. "If you feel like becoming a coward." Coward?  " Coward?" I laugh. "You'll be the coward! When my pack-" Oh yeah. My pack has given up on me. "Call them now." Said the voice with a cackle. "PACK!" I called helplessly. "HELP ME!" They didn't come. Blank red eyes glowed all around me. "We are The Dark Pack," The voices grew closer. They finally came out of the trees around me. They were dark-coated, shaggy wolves with fangs like the great-toothed cats in some of our caves. "And we will rise."

End of Hearing Howls

Thursday, August 28, 2014

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I LIKE DOGS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Who else likes our furry friends? I certainly do! I have only had a dog once, when I was 5 or 6 and she was a dachshund named Sprinkles. One morning, I was sleeping, and she woke me up by licking my face. Shortly after, she started missing her mom and dad, so we couldn't have her anymore. :-( My Nana has a dog that's older than me (I'm 11 and she's 12, thats 84 in dog years.) And she sill acts like a puppy. When we move to a house that is allowed to have pets, I'm gonna buy a  boy Golden Retriever named Lucky. My grandma said don't name it anything you would be embarrassed to call out the back door. LOL! Tell me if you have a dog!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Chapter 22 of Hearing Howls
The Race for Life
 "FOX-BRAINED WILDCAT!" I yowled as loud as I could. The cat looked at me with its sickly eyes. Foam dripped from the corners of its half-opened jaws. No other wolf was around, so I decided to pull out to Wolf feather. No. This was a life-and-death situation. I tucked it back into my fur. Mella was looking at me with her weak eyes. 'Oh Cave of Spirits,'  I thought. 'Please don't let that brute bite her.'  I hope I didn't sound disrespectful or anything. The wildcat roared in Mella's face and came after me. I ran for dear life. A wildcat with rabies! I couldn't stand the thought of my Pack dying out of rabies! I ran and the cat chased me. I came to a chasm. Thousands of feet below me, was a rushing river. Thousands of feet across me was the other side. I thought desperately for a way to escape this crazed beast. I had no choice. I had to fly. If I had enough energy, I could make it. If not, I would be living in the Cave of Spirits. I gathered my remaining strength and jumped. I opened my wings and flew across the chasm, wildcat following. It landed into the rushing river below me. I hadn't flew all the way across, so I countered and flew back to the other side. I went back to camp. But my troubles weren't over yet... The wolves has left without me, everyone, including Mella.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Click here for a good idea for breakfast! Yum!
I feel :D!!
This is Bloggerman XDXDXD
Argentina vs Iran
Google is the top traffic source! Thanks Google!
Chapter 21 of Hearing Howls
The Wolf feather
I was running. All of the sudden I was at the edge of a cliff. There was a bright red feather there, floating in the wind. I chased it, because Mella loves feathers. She would just love a bright red one! So, I chased it downhill, then uphill, and that process was repeated. I finally caught it between my teeth. All of the sudden, the feather grew a rope. I put it around my neck for safe keeping. All of the sudden, my fangs set on fire! I felt no pain though. I decided to bite something. So, I bit a fallen tree. It erupted into flames! Then, the flames died down. I was highly confused. I wished for no wings, though the Cave of Spirits knew I really didn't. My wings disappeared! Then they reappeared. I was relieved. This must have been the Wolf feather! I walked back to camp. There, what I saw, left me trembling in my fur. A wild cat, much bigger than any of us. I gasped. I pleaded to the Cave of Spirits that it didn't hurt anyone already, no matter how long it was there. My pleads were answered. No one had been hurt, but the wildcat was standing over Mella, threatening to bite her.
{>_________<} {I_____________I} {O________O} {'__________'}

Friday, June 20, 2014



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I would like to tell you about my little dragon named Toothless. I got him on June 19th. He's black with green eyes and is SOOO cute!! I'm going to take a picture of him and upload it here.
Happy Summer!!

dcedcfrffc fdvfdcdc crfvhyooooo89
That's me trying to get something out of my keyboard.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Click here to make your own blog!


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I made this no pattern. I did it by myself. and i plan to do more!

Monday, April 7, 2014

I'm going to show you a table of :-)'s that I made up!

★_★ = Superstar |  $_$ = Desire for riches | *.* = Shy or embarrassed | - ?_? - = Where do I go?            
X_X = Stumped | *o* = I can hardly see | ?o! = Offended | >***< = Saying something your not supposed to | ^_* = Blind in one eye | ◕◡◕ = Happy | *U* <><><><> = Love patterns ➵XOX = Arrowhead

Friday, April 4, 2014

18 people from France have read my blog! Merci les amis de la France!

136 people from Russia have read my blog!   Спасибо друзьям из России!

7 people from Canada have read my blog! Thank you friends from Canada!

26 people from Germany have read my blog! Danke Freunde aus Deuschland!

15 people from Ukraine have read my blog! Спасибі друзям з України!

14 people from Brazil have read my blog! Thank you friends from Brazil!

13 people from Malaysia have read my blog! Terima kasih rakan-rakan dari Malaysia!

11 people from Turkey have read my blog! Size Türkiye'den arkadaşlar ederiz!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Chapter 20 of Hearing Howls
My Twenty-First Pup
I was just laying in my cave. I had the leaf curtains and door drawn. I saw a shaggy figure on the leaves, just thinking it was Zuba, Eclipse's pup. Expecting to hear, "Hello Grandfather!" I picked up my head. I could not hear the bustling that was going on a few moments before. I looked out the window. All the wolves were in their caves, appearing to be sleeping. I looked out the door. There was Sheela, The Unnamed Pack's leader. I growled. She looked scared. Her crooked voice sounded more scared than all of us put together when food supply was low. "May I help you Sheela?" I asked. "Yes. I- I want to j-join your p-pack." She stammered. I saw dark tears running down her face. "I'm mocked at m-my pack!" At this point, her crying was out of control. She was not kidding. I admit it I had pity on the poor she-wolf. I went over to the fresh-hunt, brought the biggest mouse, and asked her into my cave. She was sniffling and still, tears were pouring out of her eyes.I asked her, "Tell me what happened." I used my paw to wipe her tears, as if she was my own. "Well, I was not being evil like I was supposed to. So I was mocked." She started crying again so I gave her the mouse. She ate it and thanked me. I licked her ear. She seemed to change, just like Queenie. Her coat turned black and sleek, and her eyes turned icy blue. She was one of the most beautiful wolves I had ever seen. "I need father." She said I nodded. Of course I would have her as a pup! She was just as gorgeous as Mella. Later, we had guests. You could only guess who they were. If you guessed The Unnamed Pack, you were right! "Who are you?" I asked a small female. Her crooked voice rang out over the grounds. "I AM RAZAFLASH, THE LEADER OF THE UNNAMED PACK AND I HAVE COME TO GET SHEELA! WHERE IS SHE?" Sheela backed away into my cave. "I saw you moving wolf." Razaflash  smiled wickedly. She didn't move her gaze from me. She lowered her evil voice to a whisper, "Sheela." I was angry. "You can't have her, go away." "What did you say?" Razaflash said. "I said you can't have her, go AWAY!" I gave her a warning bite. She and her troops ran away.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chapter 19 of Hearing Howls
The Lake of Gifts
Mella and I were hunting. Mella was going on and on about how much she loved my mane. I  smiled. We walked on. We came to a crystal clear lake, with a flowing waterfall. There was a rock on the side. It said: 'Mort et for, mort et fegh, bor Wa Wast bo Queris hov meen i dometik mosheel.' Which meant: 'Mark it one, mark it all, for The Cave of Spirits has given you something special.' "I should step in." Mella said. Before I could answer, she stepped in. She got pulled under by dust. "MELLA!" I screamed. When she walked out, she had a mane like mine. It was was grey. She was as beautiful as a charm! I loved her as much as the amount of stars in the sky! "I love you Kimbo." She said, wrapping her mane around my neck. She was very happy. As for me... I don't remember.
Chapter 18 of Hearing Howls
The Secret of Mella
Mella was mysteriously walking in between Queenie and The Tiger. It's not that I don't like them. Their nice. I ran over to them. Mella looked shy. "Mella what are you doing?" I asked her quietly, not to let Queenie and The Tiger hear. "Well I -" She almost answered but Queenie rushed her off. The Tiger made a hrrrr... sound deep in his throat. It was almost as if... No it couldn't be! I ran off tears in my eyes. I didn't wait to see what Mella had to say. Grief was eating at my happiness. Twisted, my handsome and caring son came in carefully. "Father... Is everything ok?" I looked up at him tears burning my sight. "No it's not!" And I buried my head back into my paws. I could almost feel Mella's loving paws running through my mane like she always does. Twisted came and lay down beside me. "Tell me what's wrong." He said. "Well, I think your mother..." It was to much to bear. "Mother what?" He said. "Is second mate of The Tiger now! She has left me." I sobbed. Another wolf came in. It was a silky white wolf. "Kind of reminds me of Mella. She's silky and white." I thought. The piercing green eyes reminded me also of Mella. That's because it WAS Mella! I growled quietly, looked at her and threw my head back down. "Kimbo." She said. Twisted looked mad. "Look who it is! Miss Second Mate of The Tiger!" He growled. "What?" She sounded confused. "No way. Queenie and The Tiger are my parents!" I was shocked. "Hello Mother and Father!" Yes, they had just come in. I smiled. When Queenie was my mate, she was already my relative!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Elsa the Doll's Review (The Barbie)

As you know I have 3 Frozen dolls. Meet Elsa, a queen, my personal favorite, even before I saw the movie. ):'-D
(AHH THE PAINT ON HER HANDS IS COMING OFF!!! Haha... Really though it's because I love her so much. ♥♥♥)
I practically carry her around everywhere. She is from Walmart, not articulated. (I want the articulated one so much...) Her hair comes braided, with a curl on her forehead. My Elsa's hair tie snapped, and my grandma re-braided it. Her sleeves and topmost part of her dress is painted on. Her clothes are a cape made out of a tulle-like fabric, with glitter snowflakes. Her skirt is blue and down to her ankles. There is a crown with glitter in it on her head (Tacked on with those annoying plastic thingys.) Her painted sleeves have risen detail on them and they're periwinkle. Her slightly almond-shaped eyes are blue. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair. (Which is blonde.) Her lips are pink. As I said before, the paint on her hands is coming off, which is sad, but I love her ♥♡♥♡
By the way, Elsa is right next to me as I'm typing! I like to keep her close to my heart.

Thanks for reading!

I love you Elsa. ♡U♡

Anna the Doll's Review (The Barbie)

I have 3 Frozen dolls. My sister has toddler Anna. #1 is Elsa, the Walmart Barbie. #2 my grandma got for me, Elsa Toddler. #3, (Welcome the newest one in my group,) meet Anna, from the Disney Store. She is fully articulated, and I wanted to share her with you.
She is approximately eleven inches, her hair comes braided, and has eyes that are blue, teal, and also green. If you have seen Frozen, then she comes in her winter attire. If not, then her attire is a shirt with green designs. (Vest-like) The vest-like part is outlined in golden trim, the sleeves and turtleneck part of it are sky blue. (Not two part) Her skirt is down to where her boots start (Just keep reading...) and has a flower-like design on it. She has a hat which covers her ears and her braids come out the back, is the same color as her cape (Just keep reading,) and has fuzzy lavender trim at the front. Her bangs come out the front to. She has boots, which go to about half way from her knee. The heels are burgundy, and the design is golden. Now to her cape. The strap is a buckle, two hearts at the front. The cape is long, down to her ankles at the back. Now my Anna's hair is a mess because I used to sleep with her. She has the white streak in it, and its a orangy-copper kind of color.

Thank you for reading!

I love you Anna. ♡U♡